
This section details the policies for return of goods, covered under the categories of Returns, Exchanges and Faulty items.

Before sending any item back, for any of the above categories, please contact us first at:


We are happy to refund any unused items up to 30 days after the date of purchase for a full refund minus the original delivery charge.

To make the process simple & straightforward please ensure you adhere to the points below:

  • You can return your order within 30 days of the date of purchase shown on your invoice.

  • The items are unused and in their original, un-damaged packing.

  • We will issue you with a returns number and return address information. Please ensure the returns number is clearly marked on the outside of the packaging.

  • If an item is returned that is either not in its original condition or in its original packaging we reserve the right to decline a refund.

  • Please note, you are responsible for any returned items until they reach us. For your own protection, we recommend using a secure delivery method that requires a signature upon delivery. Any items sent should be placed in protective packaging (please use the original packing for returning items).

  • We regret that we cannot refund any carriage charges associated with unwanted items.

  • Carriage only will be paid on any items that are faulty, were not ordered by you, or for any other reason for which we are at fault. We regret we cannot refund any packaging charges.


We do not offer Goods exchanges unless the original item is delivered defective or damaged. If you have ordered an item that is in working order that you would like to replace with another, the replacement item will need to be purchased as a new separate item and the original returned as per the returns policy stated above. For items delivered defective or damaged please review our Faulty Items policy below, and contact us by email at for further information.

Faulty items

If your purchased Goods are delivered defective or damaged, or you discover a fault with any Goods within 30 days of delivery, we will offer you a choice of a full refund, repair or replacement. After 30 days of delivery, but within the guarantee period, we will either repair or replace the faulty Goods. At our discretion, we may choose to offer you a full or partial refund instead.

We will need to inspect the Goods to confirm the fault; we may be able to do so from photos, or we may request that you return it to us for inspection.